Howard Caine

Howard Caine was a popular American character actor, probably best known as Gestapo agent Major Wolfgang Hochstetter in the television series Hogans Heroes . He also played Lewis Morris of New York in the musical film 1776, and Everett Scovill, a thinly disguised portrait of Charles Mansons attorney Irving Kanarek, in the television movie, Helter Skelter.

Howard Caine was born on January 2, 1926, in Nashville, Tennessee, into a Jewish family. At the age of 13, Cohen moved with his family to New York City, where he began studying acting. Learning to erase his Southern accent, he went on to become a master offoreign and American dialects. Caine served in the United States Navy during World War II, fighting the Japanese in the Pacific Theatre. After the war, Caine studied drama at Columbia University, where he graduated summa cum laude.

Source: Wikipedia